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Increase the vigor and overall health of your plants with a specially developed plant growth-promoting microorganism (PGPM). LALRISE VITA contains a unique rhizobacterial Bacillus velezensis, isolated in a distinctive wettable-granule formulation that actively enhances root growth and exploration, solubilizes phosphorus, and promotes healthy plant vigor.


  • Activates root growth: starter effect
  • Increases the level of nutrient reserves in the plant
  • Promotes plant vigor while preserving plant quality
  • Solubilizes phosphorus
Specimen Label Labels
Specimen Label

The product label contains directions and application rates.


This Safety Data Sheet contains occupational safety and health data for this product.

  • Bacillus velezensis at a minimum concentration of 2 x 109 CFU/g
  • Wettable powder
  • Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)
  • Bacillus velezensis is a naturally occurring beneficial microbe. It is a robust sporulating bacteria which is adapted to difficult conditions (drought, heat).


  • Once applied to the soil, the bacteria multiplies and subsequently colonizes the
    rhizosphere. As this happens, the bacteria utilizes root extracts of the plant to sustain the population.
  • In exchange, the bacteria provides many benefits to the plant:
    • Solubilizes phosphorous from organic and inorganic reservoirs
      • Phosphorous is essential to plant nutrition and is often bound in the soil
      • Due to solubilization, it can help maximize what may already be existing in the soil
      • Research has shown an increase in up to 28% of available P in the rhizosphere
    • Helps to increase nutrient availability and reserves in the plant
    • Promotes growth in young plants and increases crop homogeneity, tree height, root mass growth and winter vigour
    • Promotes plant establishment through improved root vigour and nutrient uptake

LALRISE VITA will be available in packages of 1kg and 5kg.

  • An unopened package has a shelf life of 36 months (not to be stored below freezing or above 35°C/95°F)
  • Once opened, bags should be used as quickly as possible. If a partial bag needs to be stored, then be sure to seal the bag tightly and store in a cool dry location.


  • Gradually mix LALRISE VITA with water while agitating. Use immediately after preparing suspension.
  • Product requires constant agitation or it should be mixed prior to each application.
  • Do not keep suspension for longer than one day.
  • Product can be applied by:
    • Low volume spray
    • Soil drench (if soil is dry then pre-drench with water and apply product afterwards to avoid over dilution)
    • Root ball drench: pre-drench root ball with approximately 10L (3 gallon) of water
    • Drip irrigation
    • Soil injection probe
  • Product can be tank mixed and is compatible with a wide range of herbicides,
    fungicides, insecticides, and mycorrhizal products. However prior to mixing it is important to check product compatibility with the manufacturer


  • The first application of LALRISE VITA should occur at bud break/leaf out in the spring, product should be applied when white roots are present.
  • If applying from:
    • Seed: apply post germination (roots must be present)
    • At planting: apply at time of planting
    • Existing plant in the ground: apply at bud break/leaf out when roots are flushing
  • Repeat the treatment at monthly intervals. Number of applications depend on the crop.
  • The bacterium can be subject to competition in the soil, therefore it must be reapplied to sustain the population.
  • Roots get larger over the growing season so multiple applications of the product will help ensure total and continuous coverage.
  • It is important to remember that: We inoculate the plant and NOT the soil.
  • It is a root inoculant which persists in the rhizosphere where the population is maintained by feeding on root exudates.
  • From the time of inoculation, the bacterium experiences a germination period of 1-2 weeks depending on soil conditions.
  • Once established, the life of the bacterium is determined by ambient soil conditions (humidity and temperature).
  • The goal is to inoculate the roots with enough bacteria to ensure sufficient population persistence for a minimum of three weeks.

The bacteria does not have the ability to move on their own in the soil. They move to the roots via water during application. Once established on the roots, they can move through root growth.

  • Optimal temperature for application is between 10-30°C/ 50-86°F.
  • The minimum soil temperature for application is 10°C/50°F. Anything lower will not allow the microbe to multiply to create a sufficient population to colonize the roots.
  • Product should be applied to moist soil (after rain or irrigation).
  • Do not apply to dry soil or under high temperature conditions.
  • It is critical that the product reaches young roots.
  • LALRISE VITA contains a bacterium while mycorrhizae are fungi
  • Mycorrhizae take time to develop the symbiotic relationship between the roots and the fungi, while LALRISE VITA can quickly occupy the rhizosphere. However, mycorrhizae tend to persist in the soil while LALRISE VITA can be quickly outcompeted.
  • Mycorrhizae are divided into two main categories: endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae, as a result tree species are also split in these two categories. LALRISE VITA can colonize the roots of all types of plants.
  • They are compatible organisms and can be complimentary: LALRISE VITA can quickly colonize the roots and solubilize phosphorous to the plants, while mycorrhizae forms its symbiotic relationship to provide long term benefits.
Product Information Sheet
Product Information Sheet

Learn more about technical information about LALRISE VITA.

LALRISE VITA Trial Results
LALRISE VITA Trial Results

Increase Root Mass and Caliper of Black Cherry

LALRISE Soil Amendments for Newly Planted Tree

LALRISE VITA, LALRISE MAX, and LALRISE START G are microbial products that aid tree growth, starting in the nursery, all the way to out-planting in urban settings. Learn how all three products can be used to improve plant growth and establishment, together, or separately.